Money can buy the security and safety for yourself and your loved ones, because... Human beings needs money to pay for all the things that make your life possible. such as... shelter,food,healthcare,and a good education
*security and safety* 安全感
*all the things that make your life possible**刚需*
*shelter, food, healthcare, and a good education**基本需求*
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most people have a hard time differentiating 'wants' and 'needs', i mean... they use a word 'needs' for almost everything they purchase, causing them have to actually believe that they 'have to' spend money.
*have a hard time differentiating “wants” and “needs”*
*use the word ‘need’ for almost everything they purchase*
*Have hard time doing sth*
*Use the word**“**A**”**for sth*
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Poor financial education have a long-lasting impact on individuals and their families. the financial education can make a difference. because... it can equal you with the knowledge,skills,confidence to take charge of your life. and build a more secure future for yourself and your families.
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people lose money in stock market because they think the investing is the ticket to getting rich quickly. for example... they see wealthy day traders show off money and fancy cars... and they think it's money. but the 99% of time they lose money following them,
Describe the important decision you made recently.
I used to be a shy person who would feel depressed all the time... I think the main reason is because I cared too much about what people think. so i made the decision couple of years ago decided that... i wanna be a guy who has more confidence in his judgments and feels more alive. and one of my friends told me that to achieve that goal, I need do things that are out of my comfort zone... So that I will learn to overcome my fears, for example... I will likely find that I care less about what people think and about what could go wrong. and... in order to feel to feel alive, I need to do things that make me feel uncomfortable, because... as human beings, we become who we are through challenges. for example... all successful people have taken risks, failed and picked themselves up, because they believe that those who never venture far will never know what might have been if they had tired to do things beyond what they had already mastered.
逆推: Describe a piece of advice you received ... describe the important lesson you learned in high school...